Seyi Vibez Lyrics

Check out the correct lyrics to ‘G.O.A.T’ by Seyi Vibez and sing along.

PLAY & LISTEN TO: G.O.A.T by Seyi Vibez | Memory Card EP

Seyi Vibez – G.O.A.T Lyrics

Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan

Everyday for the hustle
Alujanjan kiri jan
One day for the hustler
Alujanjan kiri jan
Padi mi ni’te lorun
Alujanjan kiri jan
‘Cause this life no get formula
Alujanjan kiri jan

So ti ba gba Grammy
There’s still a lot to achieve
Aseda ma gbagbe mi
Make them put my songs for repeat
Motivation for the street
No friends no folks my gee

Anyhow he be I go leave
Touchdown New York Paris
Please give me all I need
Show me all the love that I need
Open the door with your keys
‘Cause I know you exist
You exist

Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan
Alujanjan kiri jan

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