Shallipopi Lyrics
Indulge in the captivating lyrics and soulful essence of Iyo, the eighth track on Shallipopi‘s debut album Presido La Pluto, as you explore the depths of his unique musical universe.
Presido LA Pluto Lyrics
Shallipopi – Iyo Lyrics
Money coming (iyo)
Steady balling (iyo)
Now they dey call me (iyo )
Yo yo
I be balling (iyo)
Slowly not running o(iyo)
Now they dey call me (iyo)
Iyemwen weh ovimwen watch out o
Watch out o
Nor go dey run mouth o
Iyemwen we ovimwen watch out o
Nor go dey run mouth o
How the matter wan play if funds delay
Work wan pay
Confirmation dey
‘Cause if e sup
Na you go off
You suppose know
Nor be today
E gat pay o
E gat pay
Confirmation dey o
Confirmation dey
E gat pay o
E gat pay
Confirmation dey o
Confirmation dey
Iyan khian mwue yo mwue yo mwue yo
Nai setin gha mwue rhue wa
Iyan khian mwue yo mwue yo mwue yo
Nai setin gha mwue rhue wa
Yo yo
Money coming (iyo)
Steady balling (iyo)
Now they dey call me (iyo )
Yo yo
I be balling (iyo)
Slowly not running o(iyo)
Now they dey call me (iyo)
How the matter wan play if funds delay
Work wan pay
Confirmation dey
‘Cause if e sup
Na you go off
You suppose know
Nor be today
E gat pay o
E gat pay
Confirmation Dey o
Confirmation dey
E gat pay o
E gat pay
Confirmation Dey o
Confirmation dey
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Meaning of Iyo Lyrics by Shallipopi
Many users have been searching for Iyo Lyrics by Shallipopi because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2023-11-10 14:41:51.
The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.
This is the end of Iyo Lyrics by Shallipopi. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.
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