Zen Univrse Lyrics
Sing along to the captivating lyrics of Dragon by Zen Univrse and let the words transport you to a mystical realm.
Zen Univrse – Dragon Lyrics
Nothing dey ginger man like kudi
Highness all round mi o mu ri
My life can never be boring
Oji mi doti from night till morning
This is the life I choose
Mo gbadura then I denge pose
Keep my enemies on their toes
I was born to be killing shows
I’m on what I’m on
Mo taka won
Gbona like a dragon
Take over won
Mi o le pa na
Alubarika I go buy G-Wagon
Lagbara olorun
Truth is, these streets don’t love you
Oluwa lo fi eni yinki
I’m on what I’m on
Mo taka won
Gbona like a dragon
Take over won (Live)
Mi o le pa na
Alubarika I go buy G-Wagon
Lagbara olorun
Truth is these streets don’t love you
Oluwa lo fi eni yinki
Okwa chukwu na sa
Okwa chukwu na sa
I’m on my way
Okwa chukwu na sa
Okwa chukwu na sa
l’m on my way
First of all introduction
Right now, I feel like baddo
Eyes on me eniduru
Eyes don’t lie o chinko
Hesoyam I’m the cheat code
Me I be street boy with a baby face
And you not fit know wetin I dey take
Ema gba mo wa bi mi o fe werey
I dey only ginger when I’m getting paid
I’m what I’m on
Mo taka won
Gbona like a dragon
Take over won
Mi o le pa na
Alubarika I go buy G-Wagon
Lagbara olorun
Truth is these streets don’t love you
Oluwa lo fi eni yinki
I’m what I’m on
Mo taka won
Gbona like a dragon
Take over won (Live)
Mi o le pa na
Alubarika I go buy G-Wagon
Lagbara olorun
Truth is these streets don’t love you
Oluwa lo fi eni yinki
Okwa chukwu na sa
Okwa chukwu na sa
I’m on my way
Okwa chukwu na sa
Okwa chukwu na sa
I’m on my way
(Banger) I like this thing like mad
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Contributors to ‘Dragon’ Lyrics
Funmilayo Kanmodi, Utere Naomi, Peter Okhide.
Meaning of Dragon Lyrics by Zen Univrse
Many users have been searching for Dragon Lyrics by Zen Univrse because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2024-04-14 08:45:40.
The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.
This is the end of Dragon Lyrics by Zen Univrse. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.
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