Flavour Lyrics
Explore the lyrics and delve into the cultural richness and rhythmic prowess encapsulated within Daberechi by Flavour.
Flavour – Daberechi Lyrics
I live my life for You
I give it all to You
Agụ na-eche mba
Na You dey fight all my battles for me
Lord, I live my life for You
I’ll never be put to shame
Dabere Chineke
Lord, I put my trust in You
Iyee iyee iyee iyee
Ah eh
Chineke nke igwe
Ah eh
Nna chụba fa
Ah eh
Chụba ndị na-achụ anyị
Ah eh
Busobe ha agha
Ah eh
Ike ama ngwụ anyị
Ah eh
Dabere Chineke
Lord, I put my trust in You
Beginning and the ending
Alpha Omega
Onye e ji abaa
Chi m bụ oshimiri ataata
Ị marala na Chineke anyị dị ebube?
Agịdịgba agịdịgba
Ihe O kwere na nkwa, Ọ ga-emezu
Na You dey fight all my battles for me
Lord, I live my life for You
I’ll never be put to shame
Dabere Chineke
Lord, I put my trust in You
Iyee iyee iyee iyee
Ah eh
Chineke nke igwe
Ah eh
Nna chụba fa
Ah eh
Chụba ndị na-achụ anyị
Ah eh
Busobe ha agha
Ah eh
Ike ama ngwụ anyị
Ah eh
Dabere Chineke
Lord, I put my trust in You
Iyee iyee iyee iyee
Ah eh
Chineke nke igwe
Ah eh
Nna chụba fa
Ah eh
Chụba ndị na-achụ anyị
Ah eh
Busobe ha agha
Ah eh
Ike ama ngwụ anyị
Ah eh
Dabere Chineke
Lord, I put my trust in You
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Meaning of Daberechi Lyrics by Flavour
Many users have been searching for Daberechi Lyrics by Flavour because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2024-02-04 23:21:13.
The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.
This is the end of Daberechi Lyrics by Flavour. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.
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