Larrylanes, Seyi Vibez and Bella Shmurda Lyrics
Mamba is a song that showcases the remarkable collaboration between Larrylanes, Seyi Vibez, and Bella Shmurda, read the lyrics of this masterpiece below to become familiar with it.
Larrylanes, Seyi Vibez & Bella Shmurda – Mamba Lyrics
En en en
Let me tell you how the thing go o
People come people go o
You can learn as you grow o
Spiritual Flows
You no go know if them get calabash for their cupboard
Oloron bi jeje ko de so fe ni kan kan
What’s going on in my head
Baby cool my stress
I go dey studio by ten
If I no sing I go tear my shirt
Gba ko je
These memories I can’t be myself
(Uhn uhn)
I don cry
(Uhn Uhn)
I don try
(Uhn uhn)
I wonder
Everything dies
(Uhn uhn)
(Uhn uhn)
Ngba gba
(Uhn uhn)
Play your last card
(Uhn uhn)
Shine shine
(Uhn uhn)
Baby shine
(Uhn uhn)
My guy
(Uhn uhn)
U dey my mind
(Uhn uhn)
Let’s dine
(Uhn uhn)
Ma fi mi ta yin
(Uhn uhn)
Miracle turn water to whine
(Uhn uhn)
Mo para gan
360 mo tun fire gan
On the high way mi o le tire gan
Otipe gan like faragon
Eyan Shonekan
Do you really Dey for me
Can you swear e sure for you
I no sure who Dey for me
Sister Mary just Dey pray for me
Eje mi o gbagidi
Come take me away
Omo to ba shey dada I take you away
Omo to ka gidi bori yen sekankaye
Omo to ba shey dada iyen lomo baba e
(Uhn uhn)
I don cry
(Uhn Uhn)
I don try
(Uhn uhn)
I wonder
Everything dies
(Uhn uhn)
(Uhn uhn)
Ngba gba
(Uhn uhn)
Play your last card
(Uhn uhn)
Shine shine
(Uhn uhn)
Baby shine
(Uhn uhn)
My guy
(Uhn uhn)
U Dey my mind
(Uhn uhn)
Let’s dine
(Uhn uhn)
Ma fi mi ta yin
(Uhn uhn)
Miracle turn water to whine
(Uhn uhn)
Eje mi o gbagidi
Come take me away
Omo to ba shey dada I take you away
Omo to ka gidi bori yen sekankaye
Omo to ba shey dada yen lomo baba e
(Uhn uhn)
(Uhn uhn)
Shmurda yeyeye
Enta Seyi
Shmurda yayaya
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Meaning of Mamba Lyrics by Larrylanes Ft Seyi Vibez & Bella Shmurda
Many users have been searching for Mamba Lyrics by Larrylanes Ft Seyi Vibez & Bella Shmurda because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2024-02-08 06:47:38.
The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.
This is the end of Mamba Lyrics by Larrylanes Ft Seyi Vibez & Bella Shmurda. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.
Thanks for checking out Celebnob Lyrics more lyrics here.
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