Shallipopi Lyrics
The third track on Shallipopi’s debut album, Shakespopi, is titled 100, read the lyrics to the song below.
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Shallipopi – 100 Lyrics
They call me Shallipopi
99 plus 1, way
99 plus 1, say
99 plus 1, that’s gonna give you 100
All my gee’s never see them go keep it 100
We no be enemies he no means say we be friends
Any business we go share percent 100
99 plus 1 that’s gonna give you 100
All my gee’s never see them go keep it 100
We no be enemies he no means say we be friends
Any business we go share percent 100
Wait level up
You’re not up to my level so you gat to level up
Level up ladies call me devils
when na demons dey roll my blood
Wo keep your mouth shut or you go get shut pull up on your blood
Take my mouth soft dark skin boy
Boy looking hot
innocent face but I take action
99 plus 1 that’s gonna give you 100
All my gee’s never see them go keep it 100
We no be enemies he no means say we be friends
Any business we go share percent 100
99 plus 1 that’s gonna give you 100
All my gee’s never see them go keep it 100
We no be enemies he no means say we be friends
Any business we go share percent 100
Wait level up
You’re not up to my level so you gat to level up
Level up ladies call me devils when na demons dey roll my blood
Who go make money go make am
In my backy as it is I’m counting my paper
I’m busy Baby don’t call me now call me later
Sexy Buy your father land 30acres
I’m richer than all my haters
99 plus 1 that’s gonna give you 100
All my gee’s never see them go keep it 100
We no be enemies he no means say we be friends
Any business we go share percent 100
99 plus 1 that’s gonna give you 100
All my gee’s never see them go keep it 100
We no be enemies he no means say we be friends
Any business we go share percent 100
Wait level up
You’re not up to my level so you gat to level up
Gat to level up
Level up ladies call me devils when na demons dey roll my blood
Wo keep your mouth shut or you go get shut pull up on your blood
Take my mouth soft dark skin boy
Boy looking hot
Innocent face but I took action
Contributors to ‘100’ Lyrics
Peter Okhide, Elizabeth Clifford.
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Meaning of 100 Lyrics by Shallipopi
Many users have been searching for 100 Lyrics by Shallipopi because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2024-04-13 17:34:23.
The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.
This is the end of 100 Lyrics by Shallipopi. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.
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